Pricing Box


$ 499


2 meals / day

Indoor Activities

School Bus

Sport games

Art Attack


$ 799


2 meals / day

Indoor Activities

School Bus

Sport games

Art Attack


$ 1199


2 meals / day

Indoor Activities

School Bus

Sport games

Art Attack

[row][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Toddlers" price="499" price_sign="$" duration="Yr" highlight="yes/no" row1="2 meals / day" row2="Indoor Activities" row3="School Bus" row4="Sport games" row5="Art Attack" btn_label="Enroll Now" link="#"][/column][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Playschool" price="799" price_sign="$" duration="Yr" highlight="yes" row1="2 meals / day" row2="Indoor Activities" row3="School Bus" row4="Sport games" row5="Art Attack" btn_label="Enroll Now" link="#"][/column][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Preschool" price="1199" price_sign="$" duration="Yr" highlight="no" row1="2 meals / day" row2="Indoor Activities" row3="School Bus" row4="Sport games" row5="Art Attack" btn_label="Enroll Now" link="#"][/column][/row]

Note: You can change column as per your need, Two column, three column and four column. For Two column change “col” attribute to 2, for three column 4, and for four column change it to 3.