Welcome to Crossfit wordpress theme
27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA
+02 (231) 0000 11
Welcome to Crossfit wordpress theme
27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA
+02 (231) 0000 11

Icon Box

Group Fitness

Grursus mal suada faci lisis is the dummy more ipsum ready consectet the elit.

Strength Training

Grursus mal suada faci lisis is the dummy more ipsum ready consectet the elit.

Self Defense

Grursus mal suada faci lisis is the dummy more ipsum ready consectet the elit.

Shortcode :
[row][column col="4"][iconbox icon="people-group" icon_style="light" title="Group Fitness" link="#"] Content goes here... [/iconbox][/column][column col="4"][iconbox icon="dumbbell" icon_style="light" title="Strength Training" link="#"] Content goes here... [/iconbox][/column][column col="4"][iconbox icon="uniform-martial-arts" icon_style="light" title="Self Defense" link="#"] Content goes here... [/iconbox][/column][/row]

Note: You can change column as per your need, Two column, three column and four column. For Two column change “col” attribute to 6, for three column 4, and for four column change it to 3.

Choose Your Color
Boxed Layout or Full Width Layout Purchase now $29
You will find much more options for colors and styling in admin panel. This color picker is used only for demonstation purposes.